Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 4, 2019

Free Download Fortnite APK for Mobile

Fortnite is the most successful Battle Royale game in the world at the moment. Starting from zero with a bunch of clones of PUBG's gameplay, then becoming a model for many other pirate games like Fortcraft, Project: Battle ... This game possesses unique gameplay, funny graphics and many interesting details. It has received a lot of expectations and support from gamers all over the world. The reason is completely understandable: "While PUBG is a paid game, Fortnite: Battle Royale is completely free."

Fortnite Mobile: Battle Royale is exactly a Fortnite game mode. Battle Royale is similar to Battlegrounds about everything, starting from the shooting mechanism, survival factor ... Both start at a transfer station, then you and 99 other players are dropped onto a deserted island. And only one person is allowed to survive until the end, you will have to try to survive and destroy other players.

What happens next in a battle in Fortnite Mobile: Battle Royale is quite similar to PUBG. You and the players will have to move between buildings on the island to collect weapons, armor, ammunition and other supplies. Don't forget to let the Storm Eye ring gradually shrink and move if you don't want to lose your life. If you encounter another player, don't hesitate to shoot him headshot, otherwise he will destroy you before you can understand what's going on.


Unlike PUBG Mobile or Rules of Survival, what makes Fortnite Mobile: Battle Royale stand out and attract players is that this game allows players to collect wood, metal, stone materials ... through the destruction of works on the island. All works can be destroyed. This number of materials will be used to build your own defensive structures. Imagine: when you are being pursued by an enemy, building a barrier in a tick of how great it is.

This game has many different game modes. Initially, you can try playing single and confront 99 other players. Then, to have fun with your friends, try playing SQUAD mode. SQUAD mode allows up to 4 players to form a team, supporting each other in destroying other players and becoming the only surviving team.

Fortnite Mobile: Battle Royale also has a number of additional modes such as 50vs50 mode, zombie killing, optional battle maps ...

Events, tasks and updates

The game is constantly updated every week with new event updates, patches and new items ... This makes Fortnite Mobile always fresh and attractive in the eyes of players worldwide. The game also has a mission system for players to perform.

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